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Luma WorldPromoting game-based learning with more than just advertisements for kids

About Luma World

Helping children develop their foundations with stronger game-based learning, Luma World is an innovative startup which offers gaming kits and fun events where kids can learn through play. That is why they reached out to nudg to help do more than just make advertisements for kids, but rather develop a holistic brand and communication mix. Nudg worked closely with the founders to develop and execute the core go-to-market strategy, and branding for the business. 

Our Solutions

Our Solutions
3-marketing consultation

Marketing & Design Consulting

We worked with the founders to clarify branding, and develop the brand's growth & go-to-market strategy.

7-social media marketing

Social Media Marketing & Engagement

nudg activated & launched key social media platforms. While also engaging the audience & producing content.

19-website development

Shopify E-Commerce Website Development

Our team captured the essence of the brand to design & develop the brand's e-commerce platform on Shopify.

Shopify E-Commerce Design & Development

We used the Shopify e-commerce platform meet the brand’s need to showcase its unique value proposition, while also offering a safe, secure and great customer experience. Drawing inspiration from the wonderful products and narratives, exciting pages were designed and developed from scratch. Each section of the website was also made mobile-responsive, interactive, and clearly demonstrated the core reasons to believe in the brand and each product. 

Deep analytics and insights were also also in-built into the pages to allow the the business team to gather key customer insights.

Taking social media marketing
beyond just advertisements for kids

The social media profiles of the brand were created with the intent to foster community and powerful engagement. From the start, both the nudg team and the founding team worked closely to ensure there was valuable and insightful content shared with the community. Since the brand was also in the initial stages of establishing its presence in the market, we also helped maximize impact from events, contests and other online and offline engagements. 

The brand also made strategic investments to grow its visibility. This was done using promotions on Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads. Email Marketing campaigns were also powerful strategies which helped re-engage users and buyers to grow testimonials and positive reviews. 

Our team also actively engaged the brand’s audience as it grew to answer questions and develop a highly engaged community.

Why core brand guidelines
and stories were key

The brand had already considered various brand options but none had clicked yet. The nudg team re-designed the brand identity and developed core brand guidelines not just for the brand identity, but also for the voice and usage. This proved helpful in ensuring packaging design, website development, communications across online and offline channels remained consistent and scaled as the brand grew.

Brand outcomes and successes

Success Stories

The team at nudg was able to launch and promote Luma World so it could build its traction and win initial product sales. This focus on initial branding, go-to-market strategy and promotions have helped position Luma World to continue on its path to become a leading experiential education activity provider for kids.


parents reached  

A positive brand perception was created with the launch campaign reaching the key target audience.


user engagement

On social media Luma World users engaged more with content shared than similar brands in the category.


average session

Engaging content, beautiful design and interactive pages helped improve session times of visitors on the website.


bounce rate

The website clocked one of the lowest bounce rates in the e-commerce category with higher session durations.

Other Services

Other Services

The campaigns also needed nudg to draw from its extended marketing services to help maximize outcomes for the brand. These included a blend of technology, marketing and strategic services. The combination of which played a pivotal role in achieving the key outcomes for Luma World.

1-brand development
16-video production
12-seo services
9-emailer marketing

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