7 Benefits Of Digital Marketing For Your Business

No matter what the question or query is, our last resort is ‘search on the internet‘! The digital marketing is what the current boarded market is on.

The Internet has made it effortless for businesses to interact with their target audience efficiently and is one of the reasons why digital marketing has taken over traditional marketing. People have grown habitual in engaging and interacting with one’s brand or business.

You must have seen various types of content on the internet, updates, news, articles, people’s achievements, advertisements, reviews, and much more, but have you ever wondered why so many businesses are advertising online rather than offline?

Before understanding why digital marketing is important for your business, you need to understand what digital marketing is.

Digital marketing means using all the gadgets to promote your products or services online through digital platforms. Where gadgets cover social media marketing (SMM), search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), content marketing, email marketing, mobile marketing, and more to explore.

Read on to concede 7 reasons why online marketing is important for your business.

Online Brand Visibility

Traditional marketing through local newspaper ads and radios limits the demographic and geographic reach of the target audience. Fronting with digital marketing, there will be no boundaries; you can explore more and acquire more customers.

The major advantage of digital marketing is, you’ll be present online all the time, even if your business work hours are closed for customers to visit for your brand information on your website and social media. Having an online presence increases your possibility to track leads and convert them into potential customers.

Data asserts that 88% of people trust online reviews as if their friend told them about it, and any businessman would tell you the correlation between reviews and customers’ buying choice dependency. Regardless of the online platform, digital marketing strategy reaches out to your customers and enhances your brand reputation.

Social Media Channels Leverage

Average adults spend up to two hours daily, and the young generation spends about 9 hours every day on social media. Having said, social media presence is as important as a brands’ website.

Social media marketer can earn the interests of social user through your brand’s page or group on various social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, LinkedIn, etc. The only problem is you don’t want to spend your time on the wrong platform.

We’d say choosing the correct social media platform is an art! For instance, a B2B brand should invest their efforts on Twitter, LinkedIn, and a B2C brand should focus on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, etc.

If you ignore social media, you’re giving a chance to your customers to generate reserves that might belong to you.

Competitive Analysis

Market Research & Competitor Analysis

Track your success anytime, anywhere. It is a simple mantra for most digital marketing strategies for businesses to operate.
Market research is extremely essential to track your competitors’ performance and strategies. You can easily analyze your products and services with your competitors to create better digital marketing strategies.

Furthermore, you can calculate the ranking factors through bounce rate, key performance indicators(KPI’s), website performance, social media campaigns, SWOT analysis, etc.

There’s an overabundance of analytical tools like Google Analytics to help digital marketers conduct market research, keyword research and competitor analysis.

Advertising Campaign Optimization

27% of marketers reported below-average Cost-Per-Lead for social media and emails. Online advertising campaigns are like traditional banner ads and newspaper ads, but all online. There are 3 types of purposes to run online ad campaigns, i.e. Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion.


Digital ads targeting, if done properly can reach a very specific audience relating to your business. In digital ads you get the authority to target customers based on their online behavior, contextual targeting, search retargeting, site retargeting and predictive targeting, you can target your customers on their interests, location, language, age, gender, educational background, etc.

Choosing the right audience needs an in-depth study of your website and social media reports. The selection of appropriate audiences for online ads, prove to be cost-effective and time-saving.

Cost Effective Marketing

According to Gartner’s report, 40% of the business reported Increased Cost Savings After Implementing one of the Digital Marketing Tactics to Promote their product or services.

Digital marketing is eco-friendly, also cost-effective, and any small business should easily sustain digital marketing for their business. Online advertising is the best option when you have a low-budget and want to target a larger audience, Return on Investment (ROI) in digital advertising is better than traditional advertising.

Blogs, sharing photos, video integration, social media promotion, optimizing your business for local searches through SEO are some of the cost-effective ways to market your audience.

Detailed Analysis and Reports

It’s important to understand how your campaigns perform and to calculate the Return on Investment (ROI) for future privileges. Digital marketing comes with a bonus of analytical reports highlighting the performances during and after your ad campaigns and social media as they levitate value, manifest progress, hold both parties liable, and provide time to unscrew insights.

Discovering the appropriate software for reporting is significant as it helps save time formulating the report and uncovering the insights.
These reports are crucial to distinguish the strengths and weaknesses of your ad campaign or social media to use it for future advantage and bypass related mistakes.

Are you ready to go digital?

You now know 7 reasons why digital marketing is important for your every content marketer to grow businesses. But this list isn’t exhaustive! There is more to digital marketing than this list or traditional marketing can ever accomplish.

Digital marketing, when done properly, can generate leads, increase conversion rates, and drive your business to more glorious heights.

If your business’ still not digital yet, there’s never a perfect time to start.

Importance of Social Media Marketing: 5 Brand Building Strategies

Check, check, and check again! People are excessively obsessed with their cellphones and social media, making it an incredible digital marketing platform. Blame it on nomophobia, you say?
If you don’t realize the importance of social media for your business, you either should read this blog post or lose it in the long run.

Let’s start with defining it —
Social media marketing is the process of creating content with regards to the context of individual social media platforms to generate more user engagement and traffic.

The outcome of social media marketing is getting traffic, and how do you get the traffic? It is through constituting content marketing that works well on various social media platforms.

Originally, businesses started with only publishing content(articles, blogs, photos and videos) on their social media channels, to generate traffic to their website, and hopefully acquire sales. But in recent times, rather than a place for brand awareness, social media is being used in different ways, such as — a business that wants to understand how it’s performing on social media would analyze its reach, engagement, and sales on social media with analytic tools (social media analytics). Small businesses & big businesses that want to learn customer’s opinions would monitor social media conversations and mentions, maintaining an ORM strategy (social media listening and engagement). A business that wants to reach a specific audience would run highly targeted social media ads (social media advertising).

Let’s start with one simple fact: brand presence on social media is important for business. It doesn’t matter if you run a small neighborhood store or a huge national firm. Social media is a fundamental part of your company’s branding strategies.

Read below to know 5 reasons every brand should acknowledge the importance of social media marketing strategy —

  • Leverage Social Advertising

    It’s said that 54% of social media users use social media to search for products (GlobalWebIndex, 2018). Social media ads, when compared to traditional advertising methods such as TV, print media, etc. are not only more dependable but also cheaper. Adding on, you’re allowed to engage on a wide range of social media channels for free before venturing into paid ads. Social media ads help you reach out to the desired audience, increase your conversions and ultimately get a higher return on investment. Social media ads allow you to constantly analyze how well or bad your ads are doing and change your ads on the go and monitor results accordingly.
  • Raising brand awareness

    There are 3.5 billion active social media users which equates to 45% of the human population. You’re missing out on enormous potential customers if people don’t know about your business. Social media boosts your visibility among potential customers, letting you reach a broader audience by utilizing a considerable amount of time and effort. You have nothing to lose since creating a social media profile is free of cost.Not only you reach out to a specific crowd, but diversify your marketing efforts by connecting a versatile customer base. For instance, pressing professionals may discover your website via LinkedIn while the younger masse or the millennials may find you on Instagram. Each composition of social media content that you produce is a new door for new customers to invade. It’s a distinctive opportunity for you to connect.Ultimately, it boils down to creating sufficient high-quality content that you can post on your social media platforms, and in the process draw high-converting inbound traffic.
Better Customer Experience
  • Enhance Brand Loyalty and Customer Satisfaction

    A lot of businesses are cemented on their follower count, which is nothing but a vanity figure. It is counterproductive if your followers aren’t loyal to your brand. The difference between a random follower and loyal one is that the latter adds real value.71% of customers who’ve had a positive customer experience with your brand are likely to share their experience with their friends and family. You can improve brand loyalty on social media by: Having a solid social media management. sharing value-oriented content. Having a consistent brand voice and approach. Responding to queries. Show the human side of your business by personally interacting with people, because people need people and not auto-bots.Losing a consumer is hard, and gaining a new one is harder. But retaining an existing client is 10 times easier that is why customer satisfaction should be your highest priority.Social media helps to connect with your customers and allows you to monitor what they want, the problems they’re facing and how you could serve them.Regardless of what social media platform you’re using to help your customers, it’s important to speak their language, give them personalized service and respond to them without much delay.42% of all the consumers complaining on social platforms expect a 60 min response time.
  • Increased Website Traffic

    Social media boosts inbound marketing, which increases targeted traffic to your website. Sharing content on social media gives users a reason to click-through to your website.The more quality content you post on social platforms, the more inbound traffic you generate while making conversion opportunities.For example, creating a topical blog helps you reach your audience, but sharing it on Twitter and Facebook at the right time increases its chances to be seen by 10x the audience. Thus increases the possibility of people liking and sharing your content, following your brand and sequentially becoming a customer.Similarly, people that are now actively searching for keywords associated with your product or service are a scantier percentage than those who aren’t. Social media helps you connect to this enormous, untapped segment of the market.
  • Enhanced SEO rankings

    Social presence is becoming an indispensable factor in calculating rankings. Due to constant advances in the SEO requirements of successfully ranking higher, only updating your websites and blogs is not sufficient.According to Matt Cutts “social shares have no impact on your website’s ranking”, but we can’t ignore the fact that social media platforms do command the front of the SERPs for strong branding. Concluding that social profiles have the power to rank in the top 10 results on search engines.Businesses understanding the importance of social media and sharing their content on social platforms are sending out a brand signal to SERP’s that speaks about your brand’s efficacy, integrity, and constancy.The social media platforms are emerging and so is the SEO sphere, leaving a possibility of social media beacons to start affecting your SERP ranking in the future. Hence, it’s better to be prepared by strengthening your social media appearance with marketable content?

Coiling Up

The importance of social media is only understood once you start practicing. Take the first step, create a profile, and start engaging with your customers.
If executed right, social media marketing can prove to be very cost-effective. Because as of today, Facebook Ads are cheaper than search engine ads, which in return gives you a higher ROI.

We can’t deny the importance of social media for startups and established brands. It’s time for you to win your customers and defeat your competitors, as they’re only growing day by day.

The importance of social media in business is now more indisputable than ever.

Outlook of Influencer Marketing


“People do not buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories, and magic.”
That’s one of the famous quotes by Seth Godin which reveals about the new marketing age. When a consumer buys the products or services it helps a brand to grow relation with the customer, why they bought it gives an impression on stories & buying that particular product gives an overview of the magic happening at the time of the buying process.

2019 saw huge developments for the influencer marketing industry; from TikTok becoming the most popular platform of the year to Instagram removing likes, and with the rise of virtual influencers the digital transformation has accelerated to a whole new level. The magic of the marketing is going backwards. The modes & mediums are changing day by day to propagate the message by the brands.

The disastrous change in the field of Influencer Marketing has totally changed the perspective of traditional marketing.  People who have built a large and engaged following on digital marketing channels are known as ‘influencers’, due to the fact that their followers idolise them and respect their opinions. They may have acquired a loyal following due to their lifestyle, their job or hobby, the clothes they wear or the stories they tell.

In the early days, it might have been enough for a brand to send an influencer one of their products as a gift, in return for them posting about it on their profile. But this changed with the rapid growth of the space, as influencers realised they could not only gain free products, but actually charge brands for grid real estate on their profile. The pool of influencers is vast and diverse, meaning almost any brand has the potential to utilise influencer marketing strategies for their industry and target potential customers because the online marketing has gone to even the distant places.

Influencer marketing allows brands to reach their target audience in a way that feels far more genuine than traditional advertising or other digital marketing strategy. For example, if you follow a travel blogger for their beautiful photos or funny captions, and they post about an airplane pillow that gave them the best night’s sleep on a long haul flight, you’re more inclined to remember the brand and buy it for your next holiday because you like and trust them. Makes sense, right?

In 2020, consumers will become much more conscious of a brand’s marketing plans. With thanks to the advancements, influencer marketing will benefit from increased insight into consumer behaviour and success rates. This will enable brands and creators alike to better understand their target audience, in order to generate super effective content. 

How will this change in 2021 is a big question right now. As the market is growing at a fast paced marketing automation here is how the influencer marketing will change in the coming years.

Micro Influencers will grow at a fast pace in the upcoming years. For targeting the specific markets with high engagement rates in any social media platform, micro influencers are the most effective influencers to work. This means that when it comes to sparking genuine interest and intent to purchase, micro creators are the perfect option; being smaller means that people trust their opinion and see them as a more relatable figure. People will trust their opinion because of the genuinity amongst them all. 
Meanwhile, macro creators are able to give brands coverage that micro creators cannot rival, ultimately creating huge conversations. Micro creators are great for targeting specific markets with highly engaged audiences. Meanwhile, macro creators are able to give brands coverage that micro creators cannot rival, ultimately creating huge conversations.

No Likes. Yes, New Metrics. Instagram hiding likes in an attempt to depressurize the platform for finding influencers while indicating that metrics will be important now more than ever. Social media marketers will definitely have to identify major key indicators that will help boost ROI in influencer marketing strategies.
Consumers still prefer to read all about their problems and goals online before making purchases. Content marketing of the future is going to marry influencer marketing a great deal. The futuristic style of influencer marketing appeals to all demographics from teenage kids to tech-savvy who have an unquenching thirst for virtual reality & automation. There are many platforms all around the arena of digital media. With so many platforms comes alot many influencers. This can then be divided into many such segments to push the advertising messages into the minds of people.

Video marketing has established itself as the premier form of content marketing in recent years. Almost 72% of people prefer to know about a service or product through video content instead of text content. In fact, podcasts have emerged as a fresher format of video content and are finally reaching the dizzying heights & even assisting brands to rank up on search engines that many predict will only soar in 2020.

Employees as Influencers

This can be a game changer for many organizations. When their team members or the colleagues are going to be in the field of podcasts, they can change the face of the organization in a different field. With the specializations of the different departments employees can come to be the next Gary Vee in the marketing industry. Many media websites like Verge, CNet, Fast Company, are already adopting this method to earn the customers and grab their time for an eye catching session with them. Encourage your own employees to become social media influencers, with this process they will help in growing the firm as well as themselves. No list of top 2020 trends for B2B influencer marketing is complete without the mention of this potent strategy. Using your own employees as your brand’s influencer.

With this technique your company or brand can forge bonds with employees that increase brand awareness among the people. The employees will have an ease in transition from integral to internal operations, including design, marketing, strategy, and content.

If your brand has only made modest use of influencer marketing this past year, it’s time for you to seriously consider upgrading your approach. Marketers that commit fully to campaigns featuring influencers enjoy higher sales and invaluable product feedback for the next iteration.

Digital Branding in the New Age


Digital branding has evolved with the explosion of social media and the boom of online businesses. Earlier, digital branding was limited to only emails and websites. Today, it has come a long way. The digital world is vast and growing. Today’s customers are getting younger, more tech savvy, and informed with a better customer experience.
Media fragmentation emerged as the new reality. With so many social media platforms on the run we are putting out the message and trying to target a vast number of audience.

What is Digital Branding?
Digital Branding, is a brand communication strategy that is implemented with the use of the internet and digital marketing to enhance a brand’s attributes, establish their presence and promote the brand. It gets its roots from direct marketing and is done via certain digital channels such as the internet itself, mobile applications, social media and most importantly, digital media content. It also comprises all the elements such as the logo design, color palette, typography, brand guidelines, taglines, symbols, etc. The content is in reference to blogs, organic videos, e-mailers, website content, etc. with its overall appearance as well, that appeals to your target group.

Your brand should have utmost consistency on the types of social media, which increases your credibility and appeal, and also increases consumer loyalty. Everybody nowadays wants to consume good content so that they can talk about it with their friends, relatives, peers, colleagues. To make this type of funnel possible, brands are trying to poke the customer experience with their out of the box marketing plans so that they can be the topic to be talked about.

Consumers have everything with just a click
The consumers are often “spoilt for choice”, which essentially means that you have to make your brand stand out in terms of your product or service offerings as compared to your competition. The average consumer is smarter now, due to the information about all products and services through social networks. We have Google which is now our new mother, giving us all the information about everything just in one click. With so much information abundantly available, customers cannot be taken advantage of in any manner while giving out the advertising message to them. Customers are now watching, reading, learning & also are a part of the branding strategies. If they are happy about the quality, services & other aspects, they will help you fulfil the different p’s of marketing & will be loyal to your brand as well.

No Geographical Barriers
The digital age has eradicated all kinds of geographical barriers in the world today. Due to this, social trends change almost every day, which directly affects the consumer’s behavior as well. The average consumer will still desire new products and services, but their social circles, perception, psychology and research will change their decisions very quickly. That means your brand’s communication approach has to change with the trends as well, to maintain a strong branding hold amidst the competition. A consumer will definitely prefer a brand that “connects”. This requires the brands to socially engage and provide interactive content through various marketing mix that includes blogs, infographics, videos, etc. regularly, as it appeals to the consumer very well.

Content is the key source to develop a brand’s place in the market. Contextual Marketing is also coming to play. It is to deliver the right content or experience to the right person, in the right place, and at the right time based on the sum total of that person’s past brand interactions and current needs.

Defining your brand’s core values to connect with the customers is at the prime focus right now. Give your customers the value they think you have to sustain in the market. So that they can invest in the product they think, match their values, principles & morals. If your brand has been successfully positioned, especially on digital platforms like facebook, instagram, twitter will help you gain certain popularity through word of mouth and the most importantly — virality. Due to this, it becomes much easier to add new products to your offerings if the consumer already trusts your brand.

Omnichannel Marketing
Multichannel marketing starts within the organization. Stop thinking inside the box, and tear down the internal walls of the marketing communica­tions department. Remember that the overall business goal is the focus, not the channel. Multichannel has become easier than ever before. It has not been like before that we are buying the space in different media platforms at a higher rate. Today, the media buying has been made easy by social media platforms. With just a click we can target a particular demographic in a particular geographic area with the interests they want. Subsequently, map out the desired content and create this content inde­pendent of any channels.

Impress your customers in 3 seconds
Analytics Research shows that for any content marketing to the customer, you have to be crystal clear & out of the box at the same time to impress your customer. The attention span has gone to 3 seconds of a human brain. If you don’t catch the attention of the viewer in the first 3 seconds, you can forget about it as engagement drops dramatically. Whether it’s humor, drama, or shock value – the premium for higher results is what happens in the first 3 seconds.

Brands have less control over what is said about them online. Users have access to the opinions of other users, which heavily influence their purchase decisions. The purchase decisions of other customers are nowadays also based on the reviews. If a consumer doesn’t like a particular product or service they can give positive as well as negative feedback which inturn can help the brands as well. They are getting the real time feedback so that they can improve their service/product. This can help them in the long run.

In the current environment, where the impact of digital media is felt in every sphere of a consumer’s journey, brands need to be managed in a way different from how it has always been handled in the traditional times.  It is also seen that it has become easier for a new brand to evolve in this digital world, considering this new form of brand equity creation, while keeping in mind the contrasting reality of the risks in terms of getting wiped out also in no time if the digital footprints of a brand are not coherently and carefully managed.