Whether you are sipping coffee on October 1st or eating a healthy meal on any of the days of October 2020, we are declaring all the important days and events the month has to offer! From food to politics to animals and everything in between, October 2020 has many things to offer.
To mark down all the important events & occasions in India and around the world, we have comprehended an exhaustive list (animal & food lovers, this is just for you) to welcome well-deserved autumn while celebrating klatch every hour of the day.
1st October – International Day of the Older Persons
A United Nations designated day to focus on the well-being of the elderly people. On this day people raise awareness for the special health needs of older persons and of their contributions to their own health and to the functioning of the societies in which they live.
1st October – International Coffee Day
Let’s accept that coffee is better than tea! No offense to tea lovers but it’s our day to celebrate the most loved beverage. As per Internationalcoffeeday.org, this year, the focus for everyone is to appreciate millions of framers who go the extra mile to produce this aromatic crop for consumers.
1st October – International Music Day
International Music Day or World Music Day is a concept too good to believe and the best part is that it actually exists. It encourages and fosters musical diversity, access to culture for everyone and unites organizations in some 150 countries worldwide.
1st October – World Vegetarian Day
Move to a healthier, more socially responsible way of living. On World Vegetarian Day, we celebrate all of the good things that are associated with being a vegetarian. It is a good day to show people that you can still enjoy eating food by going meat-free!

2nd October – World Smile Day
Here’s another day to live October 2020 and to make someone smile & ensure you have a smile on your face as well. World Smile Day is designed to make people feel happier and to share great moments with others. Make everyone’s day by being caring & compassionate and help them to spread the simple joy of a smile to the world.
2nd October – Gandhi Jayanti
To celebrate the World’s icon of non-violence and strength, Mahatma Gandhi’s Birthday on October 2nd of every year is yet another important event in India and across the world. In India, the day is an important and nationwide Holiday.
3rd October – National Boyfriend Day
We all know who doesn’t get enough recognition. Boyfriends! Celebrating Boyfriend’s Day is all about celebrating the boyfriend. Boyfriend’s Day has been created so that we can make sure our other halves know how much they are appreciated and how much we love them. Appreciate your boyfriends on this day & let them know that they mean the world to you!
4th October -National Vodka Day
Here’s a day for the world’s favourite alcoholic drink, Vodka! Vodka Day is a great opportunity to enjoy a new cocktail or try one of the hundreds of different brands of vodka. Raise your glass high & celebrate the well-loved spirit. Cheers!
4th October – World Animal Welfare day
To raise awareness about improving the welfare standards of the animals across the globe, we celebrate World Animal Welfare Day on 4th October, every year. In this annual celebration of all things furry, we remember the important role that animals have to play in our world.
5th October – World Teacher’s Day
From teaching to caring about every student, the teachers are there to educate the future generations with their indispensable wisdom. Here’s a day to remember the fundamental role played by teachers all over the world, throughout the year.
6th October – National Noodle Day
Imagine a rich aroma with a deliciously warmed belly from a bowl of noodle soup, a thing of magic that relaxes our starvation mood instantly. Discover a variety of noodles & try something new to celebrate Noodle day in October 2020 & go beyond Instant Cup’o’Soup and Spaghetti.
7th October – Bathtub Day
Make your showertime delight bubbly, vivid & relaxing by dipping down in the warm water of the bathtub. Bathtub Day encourages people to immerse themselves inside of their bathtub and truly relax. You can make the most of the bathtub day with bubbles, candles, books & wine of your choice! Ease off the stress & have the ultimate bathtub experience.
8th October – World Octopus Day
Here’s a day for one of the most distinctive creatures living on the planet today; the octopus. With the visually stunning outlooks, octopuses are also highly intelligent allowing them to bypass their instincts, learn lessons and solve problems. Take your small section of the day & learn more about these fascinating creatures.
8th October – Indian Air Force Day
Every year, the Air Force Day is celebrated at Hindon base in presence of the IAF chief and senior officials of the three armed forces. These celebrations include an air display where the most crucial and vintage aircraft put up a magnificent show. The eight day of October 2020 is celebrated for the inception of the Air Force in India to aid the Army that was fighting on the land.

9th October – World Egg Day
On this day, let’s find out who came first egg or chicken? Enriched with protein & other essential nutrients, eggs are one of the oldest foods known to man. Egg Day celebrates these delightful little packages of deliciousness and the incredibly important role they play in our day to day lives.
11 October – International Day of the Girl Child
International Day of the girl child amplifies the unheard voices of millions of girls around the world & addresses the women’s empowerment to accelerate a social change.
13 October – Apple Event
The much anticipated October 2020 Apple Event was chock full of exciting releases and updates to the popular iPhone lineup. Including 5G, Lidar, HDR and A14 Chip powered iPhone 12 Pro, the iPhone 12 mini, Max. Even the magsafe additions and the music friendly Apple HomePod Mini were fun launches we caught at the event.
13 October – International Day for Failure
Failure & success go hand-in-hand. Day for Failure is the best day to embrace some error estimation, awkward moments, and fails in the world. Let’s celebrate the shortcomings & failures that promote the understanding of failure as a learning experience in every step of our life.

14 October – National Dessert Day
A favorite treat to make your gloomy days, the most zippy one! Dessert Day encourages us to celebrate by selecting our favorite delicacies and indulging in them, while also exploring the ever-growing number of options we have to experience in the world of sweets.
15 October – International Day of Rural Women
To uplift the situation of the community of rural women around the world, the United Nations is improving the circumstances of rural women and ensuring systematic attention to their needs, priorities, and contributions. From socio-economic empowerment to equal participation in decision-making at all levels, let’s hold hands & move ahead towards a greater good.
15 October – Global Handwashing Day
Now more than ever, we need to encourage good hygiene practiced all around the world. Germs spread from surfaces to people when we touch a surface and then touch our face with unwashed hands. Global Handwashing Day is a day in October 2020 to help motivate people to improve their hand washing habits. Washing your hands during this day can also cultivate others to keep their hygiene up.

16 October – World Food Day
What’s your favourite food? World Food Day celebrates food that we have the privilege of indulging in, from pizza to pasta, cookies to cakes, and all of the good stuff in between. We can also use World Food Day to raise awareness about healthy diets & supplements to be distributed, harvested & shared with everyone around the world.
17 October – National Pasta Day
Pasta-lovers of the world behold! Easy to make, versatile & added with better health benefits, here’s a tribute to one of the most delicious foods known to a man, Pasta. Celebrate the day by eating every bite of pasta with a thick sauce, whether you prefer spaghetti, rigatoni, angel hair, or pappardelle, pasta day is just for you to fit every mood and need.
18 October – World Menopause Day
World Menopause Day is held every year on the 18th October. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of the menopause and the support options available.
19 October – Evaluate Your Life Day
While evaluating our life choices & decisions, we may find that we don’t like where we are and want to make changes to move forward with our goals. Whatever the case may be, Evaluate your Life day is a great opportunity to figure out where you are on your path. To keep track of your life, break it down into the various parts that make up the lives & resolve where you are heading.
20 October – International Chefs Day
International Chef day is for the people who get to learn how to cook and connect with chefs in their local area. It’s also the best opportunity to teach kids how to cook and inspire them to become chefs.
21 October – National Apple Day
Celebrate Apple Day by gobbling down one of any number of delicious apple varieties, and checking out which Apple Day events are going on near your home. Get out there and enjoy Apple Day, and relish the fruits of the season in October 2020!
24 October – United Nations Day
United Nations Day celebrates the foundation of this great organization. From providing relief funds to restoring the times of disasters, the UN work along the way to provide the opportunity for every individual. Celebrating United Nations Day can be done by getting to know about this organization and the differences it makes in our life.
25 October – Dussehra
Dussehra is a festival of the Indian Community to commemorate the killing of Ravana by Lord Rama. This festival is a constant reminder that no matter what happens in life, how dark things get and how much evil seems to be succeeding, at the end goodness, and righteousness always triumphs.

26 October – National Pumpkin Day
Here’s an autumn celebration with the touch of iconic orangeness, pumpkin! From making bars to cakes, pie to cookies, this fruit grabs every American’s attention. We can celebrate Pumpkin Day in several ways that include roasting some pumpkin seeds, baking up & carving your pumpkin for Halloween.
30 October – World Thrift Day
World Thrift day aims to promote the savings and financial security of individuals and nations as a whole. We aware the people towards saving and remind them about the importance of wealth in our everyday life. Saving wealth helps to start a business, get a good education, and avail good healthcare treatment.
A list of some other important days in October 2020 that can excite your days while escaping the weekly blues.
Important Dates in October 2020
Date | Days | Category | Country | 1 October | National Black Dog Day | Animal, Animal Care | USA, Canada |
1 October | World Vegetarian Day | Food, Vegetarian | Globally |
1 October | International Music Day | Rhythms, Music, Art | Globally |
1 October | International Coffee Day | Coffee, Cafe, Beverage | Globally |
1 October | International Day of the Older Persons | Adult, Older People, Old age | Globally |
1 October | National Hair Day | Haircare & Body Care | USA, Canada |
1 October | National Homemade Cookies Day | Desserts, Cookies, Sweets | Globally |
2 October | National Name your Car Day | Automobiles & Commute | United States of America |
2 October | World Smile Day | Happiness, Expression | Globally |
2 October | Gandhi Jayanti | Freedom, Freedom Fighter | India, Parts of the world |
3 October | German Unity Day | Culture, Festival | Germany |
4 October | National Vodka Day | Drinks, Alcohol | Globally |
4 October | World Animal Welfare day | Animals, Wildlife | Italy & parts of the world |
4 October | National Cinnamon Roll Day | Sweet, culture, dessert, cafes | Sweden |
5 October | World Teacher’s Day | Education, Teachers | Globally |
5 October | National Be Nice Day | Kindness, #dosomethingnice | Globally |
7 October | Bathtub Day | Shower, Bathtime | England & parts of European Union |
7 October | National Frappe Day | Coffee, Beverages | Greece, USA & parts of the world |
8 October | Indian Air Force Day | Airforce, Fighter Jets | India |
8 October | World Octopus Day | Animal, Water Animals | Globally |
9 October | World Egg Day | Eggs, Eggitarian | Globally |
9 October | World Post Day or World Post Office Day | Post Office, Post, Mail | Globally |
10 October | World Mental Health Day | Globally | |
11 October | International Day of the Girl Child | Girls, young girl, Teens | Globally |
12 October | Native American Day | Discovery, Festival, Culture | United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, and even parts of Italy and Spain |
12 October | Columbus Day | America, Discovery, Country | USA |
12 October | World Arthritis Day | Bones, Muscle Pain, Muscles | Globally |
13 October | International Day for Failure | Struggle, Failure | Globally |
14 October | World Standards Day | International Standards, Technical Inspections | Globally |
14 October | National Dessert Day | Dessert, Sweets | USA |
15 October | Pregnancy & Infant Loss Day | Women, Babies, Kid | Globally |
15 October | World White Cane Day | Visually Impaired, Blind | Globally |
15 October | World Students’ Day | Students, College, Schools | Globally |
15 October | International Day of Rural Women | Rural Women, Villages | Globally |
15 October | Global Handwashing Day | Handwash, Cleanliness | Globally |
16 October | World Food Day | Dinner, Cuisine, Food, meals | Globally |
17 October | International Poverty Eradication Day | Population, poverty, people | Globally |
17 October | National Pasta Day | Italian, Cuisine, food | Globally |
20 October | International Chefs Day | Food, Chef, Restaurant | Globally |
20 October | World Statistics Day | Statistics, Data | Globally |
21 October | National Apple Day | Fruits | United Kingdom |
21 October | Celebration of the Mind Day | Mental Wellness, Health | Globally |
21 October | Back To the future Day | Movies, Travel, Hollywood | USA |
22 October | National Nut Day | Dry Fruits, Health | United Kingdom & USA |
23 October | Mole Day | Chemistry, Avogadro Numbers | USA |
24 October | United Nations Day | United Nations, Union | Globally |
24 October | National Bologna Day | Meat, Diet | Italy |
24 October | World Development Day | Development, Information | Globally |
25 October | Dussehra | Festival, Culture | India |
26 October | National Pumpkin Day | Vegetables, Culture | USA |
28 October | National Chocolate day | Cocoa, Chocolate, Dessert | USA |
29 October | International Internet Day | Internet, World Wide Web | Globally |
30 October | World Thrift Day | Wealth, Savings, Money | Globally |
31 October | Halloween | Festival, Culture | USA |
31 October | National Unity Day | Indian Freedom, Politician | India |
31 October | National Knock Knock Day Jokes Day | Jokes, Fun, Games | Parts of the world |